Tag Archives: religion

Church of Oprah

Anyone who knows me knows I belong to the Church of Oprah. I watch her show, subscribe to her magazine, watch the OWN network, read her book club selections, reference her in daily life, think about what she’s doing during the day….full-on crazy-girl obsession. If I don’t get my Oprah for the day, stay away. Why? Hold on tight.

Aside from a short list of people, there hasn’t been another person who has influenced my life like Oprah has. I have learned more about myself, my relationships, my past, and my future from her teachings without ever being in the same room with her. I know it’s probably a mental health issue, but for whatever reason I feel like I am friends with Oprah (and Gayle too). How can one person have this much influence over a perfect stranger?

It’s pretty simple, she’s not just a person, she’s a religion. If you think about the recipe for religion (an icon, a set of principles, followers/believer, and a place to worship, and some proof), Oprah has all the ingredients. (All my fellow believers, nod your head.) Here is my argument:

The Church of Oprah


She’s not Jesus, but she’s held in reverence and leads people to places. Whether she’s building communities after Hurricane Katrina, educating and giving hope to young girls in Africa, giving away her favorite things, endorsing a future president, or teaching women how to find the right bra, Oprah has a platform and uses it for the greater good. While I don’t believe Oprah is for everyone, there is no question about her contribution to society and her influence in the way people live their life. Personally, I will be forever grateful that I know how to pick the right bra, and let’s be honest, that is for the greater good.

Set of Principles

You only have to watch her show once to get the gist of where Oprah comes from. Where Bethenny Frankle comes from “A Place of Yes” (we will get to her in another post), Oprah comes from a place of “Live Your Best Life.” Who is not trying to do that? Similar to the Ten Commandments, Oprah tells her followers “What I know for sure,” which serves as a list of life lessons to follow in order to lead your best life. My favorite is “worrying is a waste of time.” I can’t tell you how many times I have worried about running out of gas on my way to the gas station…and I have made it every time.


Watch The Oprah Effect and you will see that Oprah’s following is something of epic power. Not only do we follow her set of principles, but we are dying to get on her show, because there is no question it would change our life. Given that her talk show is ending next month, I know I will probably never get see her live and in color, but it’s not for lack of trying. I have tried to get tickets to the show, I have thought about living a double life, I attempted the Great American Novel, I even dress like a shlumpadinka so someone will tell her I need a makeover, and yet I am still no closer to her than I am to Jesus. Sigh.


I, like many other followers, bow to her alter every day at 4 p.m. (or whenever I get to the DVR). I am always excited to learn or think about something in a new way. I admit she’s gone a little crazy with bringing back the has beens of the 60s, 70s, and 80s this season, but I will cut her some slack…I guess. I prefer the more thought-provoking, tear-jerking, do people really live this way shows. Either way, I love what she has to say, and I love that she makes me think about my life differently.


Among my group of friends, there are believers and nonbelievers. I make it appoint to share the teachings of Oprah (oh, do they love it) as well as how she’s worked in my life. My favorite proof of how Oprah has worked in my life is my vision board. I started it years ago after watching one of her shows on the Law of Attraction, and I have been shocked at how many things on the board have come up in my life…hello Boyfriend. Was it coincidence? Maybe, but I’d like to think Oprah had something to do with it.

So what do you think? Is Oprah your religion?

(Please note this post was written with tongue firmly in cheek.)